Savings accounts for every goal

There are multiple options to grow your wealth, all accessed within our easy-to-use app.

Start saving from £25,000.
FSCS protected up to £85,000.

Trusted with over

£5 Billion

in savings

Our clients rate us 4.9 & 4.8 based on 7,400+ reviews

Apple App Store   |   Google Play

Many ways to grow your savings

Whether it’s your family’s education, a new home, or early retirement, choose from a range of Savings Accounts to realise your goals.

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Easy Access Cash ISA

Earn 4.76% AER (variable).

Earn interest monthly, completely tax-free.

Same-day withdrawals and deposits.

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Easy Access Savings

Earn 4.55% AER (variable).

Access to your money 24/7.

Unlimited deposits and withdrawals.

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Notice Accounts

Rates up to 4.75% AER (variable).

Let us know in advance to withdraw your money.

Flexibility to keep adding deposits.

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Fixed Term Deposits

Rates up to 4.30% AER (fixed).

Earn a guaranteed fixed interest rate for your long term goals.

Unlimited deposits in the first 14 days.

AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate. This shows you what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once each year. Savings are capped at £2,000,000 across all Monument accounts.

Your money is safe with us. Eligible savings are protected up to £85,000 by the Financial Service Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

Exceptional service isn’t our aim. It’s our guarantee

Enjoy an effortless experience

Open an account in minutes then deposit funds straight away.

Monument clients love our app and rate us ”Excellent” on Trustpilot.

Always speak to a person

Unlike other banks, we never use chatbots.

Speak to our UK-based team instantly in the app or pick up the phone — we answer 90% of calls in under 20 seconds.

Be rewarded for your loyalty

If you’re a Fixed Term Account saver who chooses to stay with us, we’ll thank you with a special rate.

Start saving now

Download the app

Get the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Choose the right Savings Account for you

Provide us with your personal details so we can securely open your account.

Add money

Set up your Linked Account and make a deposit to start earning interest immediately.

A simpler way to save

Download the app

What our clients say

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to most popular questions about our savings accounts.  To see more please go to the FAQ page.

Who is Monument?

Monument is a fully regulated, UK bank built to help you manage, grow and enjoy your wealth.

More than 50,000 clients save with Monument and benefit from our range of Lifestyle services and UK-based client servicing team.

Your money is protected up to £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

Is Monument safe?

Yes, your savings with Monument are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) up to £85,000.

We are a fully licensed UK bank and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our license number is FRN 849724.

What is the minimum balance and maximum balance?

You can save between £25,000 and £2,000,000 with Monument.

The £25,000 minimum balance requirement is for the combined total across all of your Monument accounts. For example, if you have an Easy Access and a Notice Account with us, you must hold a minimum of £25,000 in total across both accounts.

How do I pay money into and out of my Monument account?

When you apply for an account, you’ll be asked to “link” it to another UK bank account in your name. We call this your “Linked Account”.

You will be given a sort code and an account number for your Monument account which you can use to make electronic payments into your Monument account from your Linked Account.

When you want to withdraw money from a Monument Account, you can do that through the app and we will send it to your Linked Account.

We will only accept money from your Linked Account, and we will only pay your money to your Linked Account.

You can only pay in or withdraw money electronically via your Linked Account – we don’t accept (or provide) cash, card or cheque transactions.

Can the rate change?

The rates on our Easy Access Savings account and Notice Accounts are variable and may change. If they do, we’ll email you with any changes we make to the rate.

The rates on our Fixed Term Deposits are fixed and will not change once you've opened that account.